Building » Halifax -St Alban

Halifax -St Alban

Huddersfield Road (St Alban’s Croft), Halifax, West Yorkshire

Built as a parish hall in 1954 and, unsurprisingly, of no architectural distinction.

During the first half of the twentieth century the population of the southern district of Halifax around the Huddersfield Road grew considerably. By 1946 Mass was said in Salterhebble School and by 1951 the Huddersfield Road site had been purchased for a church. However, the land was used as allotments and it was not until 1953 that planning permission was obtained, only for the building or a church hall, with a condition that no other development of the site would be allowed for ten years. The hall-cum-church was opened on 6 November 1954, costing approximately £8,000. (architects Clement Williams & Sons of Halifax). In 1970 a refurbishment was carried out at a cost of £10,760. The stage was removed, the rear of the church opened  up,  ancillary facilities  modified,  the sanctuary reordered and the pews introduced.


Built of mixed grey facing bricks and panels dashed with white marble chippings beneath the large windows. Blue slate roof. Having been built as a parish hall, the church does not have an ecclesiastical appearance, apart from a cross on the west gable. Irregular T-plan with ancillary accommodation to either side of the eastern end of the nave, under catslide roofs. Projecting from the east wall is the tall and narrow gabled sanctuary extension, with flat roofed extensions for ancillary accommodation, of unequal size, to either side. Flat-roofed porch and lobby area at the northwest corner. Large windows light the nave, three on each side, with opaque glass. The sanctuary is lit from a skylight and from narrow side windows in the eastern extension.

The interior has a canted fibre board ceiling and a rectangular opening to the sanctuary (probably originally the proscenium arch to the stage). The sanctuary itself has curved sections to the rear wall and has a round-headed arched recess for the altar. The sanctuary furnishings and nave pews date largely from 1970. The ambo was made later from the marble of the communion rails installed in 1970. Wooden mobile font at the west end.

Heritage Details

Architect: Clement Williams & Sons

Original Date: 1954

Conservation Area: Yes

Listed Grade: Not Listed