Building » Morecambe – St Patrick

Morecambe – St Patrick

St Patrick’s Presbytery, 22 St John’s Road, Morecambe LA3 1EX.

Large brick and reinforced concrete church of the 1960s, rare in the diocese for reflecting contemporary trends in church architecture. Internal furnishings and glass of some note.

*Update: This church has been demolished*

The church was built in 1965-6 from designs by Reynolds & Scott of Manchester, replacing a utilitarian 1920s structure which was retained as the parish hall. It has been closed for the last two years, following identification of asbestos in the lining of the internal walls.  Regular worship now takes place once more in the former church.


Large brick church, with gabled transepts, canted apse, concrete window grids and a copper spirelet. Interior is T-shaped in plan, with the seating arranged around a raised altar under a large canopy supported on slender columns. Steel frame roof structure. Much modern stained glass of good quality, especially in baptistery area at west end.

Heritage Details

Architect: Reynolds & Scott

Original Date: 1965

Conservation Area: No

Listed Grade: Not Listed