Building » West Derby – St Timothy

West Derby – St Timothy

Rockwell Road, West Derby, Liverpool 12

A modest brick church built to serve a new housing estate. Its principal interest lies in its resemblance to military buildings.

Opened in 1956, serving a new housing estate. The church consists of a single volume and resembles an aircraft hangar in its general appearance, with a curved roof covered in copper.  The external walls are faced in red brick; the west wall is blind, with a large cross under a projecting canopy; the side elevations are divided into seven bays by raking brick buttresses, with large rectangular windows at the wall head filling the full width of each bay. The interior has bare brick walls and a metal roof with exposed struts. The building is seated with chairs. There are no furnishings of special interest.

Heritage Details

Architect: F. Montgomery

Original Date: 1956

Conservation Area: No

Listed Grade: Not Listed